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New Deal @ Philharmonie de Paris

Since 2016, New Deal intends to be a meeting space between promoters (festivals, venues) and ensembles in the field of classical, ancient, contemporary and jazz music.
We gather each  year about 60 promoters and 200 ensembles.

What is New Deal ?

Besides a program of round-tables, workshops and pitches, a strong part of the event is dedicated to speed-meetings : we pre-organize more than 800 very short and efficient meetings, for artistic companies to pitch their projects to promoters. These meetings are carefully planned overhead, in order to answer each and every one’s needs. 

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Artistic projects online for 2022 !


Human-music.eu - New Deal, un site de la FEVIS, Fédération des Ensembles Vocaux et Instrumentaux Spécialisés - 2023

Retrouvez aussi New Deal sur :

Human-music.eu - New Deal, un site de la FEVIS, Fédération des Ensembles Vocaux et Instrumentaux Spécialisés - 2023